Monday, August 21, 2006

The starting line

I freaking hate bloggers and blogs, so why the heck do I even bother creating one? you may ask. Hell I don’t have the answers to everything and this is not a typical blog in my books. But my friend Isuzu or otherwise known as the Jif- man suggested that this could possibly be a new avenue for me to do some serious suaning. Some of you may be really confused what the deal is but I don’t really care. This is our world, a world of complete idiosyncrasy; where souls have been walled, people killing people, people thinking so highly of themselves that the human nature is lost within the immense neuro- synaptic traffic of useless information.

The younger generation has been pre-conditioned to believe that they are equipped with the tools to handle to world.

Only in a world of deliberate skewing of ideology can it come close to making true sense of the word– LIFE.

It’s here that you will find some really crazy nonsensical [blip] and in our world of cascading knockoffs, sanity is often found where logic has gone for vacation.

This aint some “ I speak for the people”, banned columnist crap nor is this a “I look cute see my pictures” turd-log either … as to what this really is? You decide.

Send in any images of Singapore you find interesting that’s worth skewing ….skew away.


Anonymous said...

congrats to ur rolling head start..!! wahahaha..
hope u keep them coming.. =P

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is going to be really interesting !

Anonymous said...

hor say liao!!

Anonymous said...

Some ppl hate you, that must be Getz Owners.

GFG said...

Yeah, Getz owners or Civic owners, they all hate me don't they? Why?

Anonymous said...

wolverine i love u very much